Monday, February 14, 2011

Ways to Curb Eating Due to Stress

Ways to Curb Eating Due to Stress

There are many occasions that stress can cause us to eat foods that are not the healthiest for us.

Luckily, there are various ways to build up your nervous system so that you can eat when you are truly hungry and not when something does not go your way.

Ways to Build Nervous System

Yoga helps you to connect the movement to the breath; done properly you can find yourself feeling relaxed and calm.  This can help you cope better with everyday challenges.

Walking or running helps release positive endorphins, which aid you in having a more positive attitude towards life.

Learning to breathe deeper helps with calming the mind, which causes you to become more conscious of your actions.

Simply by adding one or all of these can assist you with coping with stress; this can allow you to make the right decision at the moment of truth.

Before starting this or any other exercise plans it is recommended you consult with a medical doctor.

This article was published by Ivelisse Olmo she is a certified Personal Trainer with AFPA; she has also practiced Hatha Yoga for 12 years and Kundalini for 3 years and is certified in Reiki Healing.  She looks forward to sharing her personal fitness techniques to help others with their own fitness goals.  Web-Site

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How to Diet With Out Feeling Deprived

How to Diet With Out Feeling Deprived

Usually when we diet we think about taking away instead of adding; this in turn creates a feeling of negation and sets a diet to a negative start.  Thus, making it very hard to follow a healthy eating plan.

What if, when you start your next diet instead of thinking about taking away you think about adding; this in turn will create a feeling of empowerment and positivity; that will make you initiate your diet feeling more optimistic and energized.

Foods You Want to Add to Your Diet
·      Spring or Distilled Water
·      Organic Fresh Vegetables
·      Organic Fresh Fruits
·      Lean Meats
·      Wholes Grains
·      Fresh Beans & Legumes
·      Low Fat Natural Diary Products

Adding the above food items will help you get on track to a healthy lifestyle without letting you feel any deprivation, which will make it a lot easier to maintain a healthy nutrition plan.

Before starting this or any other diet plans it is recommended you consult with a medical doctor.

This article was published by Ivelisse Olmo she is a certified Personal Trainer with AFPA; she has also practiced Hatha Yoga for 12 years and Kundalini for 3 years and is certified in Reiki Healing.  She looks forward to sharing her personal fitness techniques to help others with their own fitness goals.

Friday, February 4, 2011

How to Start a Successful Fitness Program

How to Start a Successful Fitness Program

1.     Define Your Goals
Before beginning a fitness program it is important to know exactly what you want to accomplish.  Defining your goal(s) will help you stay committed to accomplishing the goal.

Common Fitness Goals
·      Weight Loss
·      Girth Decrease
·      Dress Size Decrease
·      Blood Pressure Decrease
·      Cholesterol Decrease
·      Increase Energy
·      Increase Stamina
·      Increase Total Fitness Ability

2.     Know What Motivates You
A lot of people know what their fitness goals are, but have a hard time staying on a program because they lose track of their fitness goals.  Establishing what are your main motivating factors is crucial to how committed you are to your fitness program. 

Ways to Keep You Self-Motivated
·      Create a short list of the 3-5 most important reasons you are starting a fitness program.
·      Review your motivation weekly, daily if you are finding it hard to stay on your fitness program
·      Place motivation list on a wall that you can see on a regular basis..
·      Review your motivation mentally or daily allowing your motivation to seep into your subconscious so it becomes second nature.

3.   Define Your Nutrition and Fitness Program
Can you stay committed to something that has not been defined?  Creating a concise nutrition and fitness plan is inherent to your success.

Questions You Want to Answer About Your Nutrition and Fitness Program Before You Begin
·      What time will I work out?
·      What is my exercise program for the next 4 weeks, 8 weeks, 12 weeks?
·      What foods are allowed on my diet, what foods are limited, what foods do I avoid completely?
·      What will my portions be?

4.     Know Your Challenges and Create Solutions
Most of us know what our weak points are when starting a fitness program; but have we created possible solutions to those weak points.

Ways to Overcome Your Challenges Before They Become Challenges
·      List your 3-5 most common challenges; then for each one create 3 possible solutions.

Starting a fitness program is not easy; establishing new habits takes time; but using the right tools and techniques will help you get further in your fitness program and in time allow your fitness program to become a quotidian or natural part of your life style.

Before starting this or any other exercise program it is recommended you consult with a medical doctor

This article was published by Ivelisse Olmo she is a certified Personal Trainer with AFPA; she has also practiced Hatha Yoga for 12 years and Kundalini for 3 years and is certified in Reiki Healing.  She looks forward to sharing her personal fitness techniques to help others with their own fitness goals.