Thursday, September 29, 2011

Starting Anew

Starting Anew

"What you put into it 
is what you will get out of it"

The change of the seasons is nearing so it's a good time to review your fitness routine or start one.  Especially, if you know that you have not been very disciplined in the previous weeks or even months.

Being fit is not only about looking good, but has a huge impact on your health and well being, so making sure you get back on track is essential.

Below you will find a great way to start and stay on your fitness plan.  Review monthly or every four weeks to help keep you motivated.

New Fitness Program Starter Plan

Inspiration (Inspirational phrase)

Motivation (Top 3 reasons to workout)

Goals (Health, Esthetic, Emotional)


Resistance Training


 Wardrobe (Wear gear that inspires you to workout)


Next Blog:  Does Your Exercise Gear Affect Your Workout?

This article was published by Ivelisse Olmo she is a certified Personal Trainer with AFPA; she has also practiced Hatha Yoga for 12 years and Kundalini for 4 years and is certified in Reiki Healing.  She looks forward to sharing her personal fitness techniques to help others with their own fitness goals.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Simple Exercises to Strengthen Your Back

Simple Exercises to Strengthen Your Back 

Having strong back muscles is very important for many reasons.  Three essential reasons are a healthy back, good posture and increased strength. 

Healthy back muscles are essential in preventive medicine.  When your back muscles are strong and healthy you have fewer tendencies to incur injuries when using the muscles of your back.

If you have good posture it creates a more youthful and positive appearance.  Working on strengthening your back muscles definitely improves your presentation.  Imagine someone with a slouch back as compared to someone with an erect back. 

Also, strong back muscles enable you to lift, pull and push objectives, which are motions we use daily.  Like opening doors, lifting children, or bending over to lift groceries.

The exercises below will not only strengthen your back, but will also increase the flexibility of your back muscles helping provide all the benefits of a strong back.


Before starting this or any other exercise plans it is recommended you consult with a medical doctor.

This article was published by Ivelisse Olmo she is a certified Personal Trainer with AFPA; she has also practiced Hatha Yoga for 12 years and Kundalini for 4 years and is certified in Reiki Healing.  She looks forward to sharing her personal fitness techniques to help others with their own fitness goals.